Building Business Tip
Building Business Tip #4 – Separate Business and Personal
Run your business like a business.
Many business owners operate their business as an extension of their personal finances using personal bank accounts and credit cards.
This is not a good idea. Make sure you have the right structure to run your business (eg, company, trust etc) and separate your business finances into it’s own bank accounts and credit card/s.
Building Business Tip #3 – Why do Business Planning
What do the Wallabies, Roger Federer and Richard Branson have in common? They all do their jobs with a game plan.
Business planning are not dirty words because it is difficult to succeed in business without plans, strategies, risk analysis and a detailed understanding of your opponents, as well as, of the industry and environment your business operates in.
Business planning sets you up to succeed even if the plan suggests the business is not a good idea!
Building Business Tip #2 – Credit Score Factors
Building Business Tip #1
Are your people working in a hot factory, out selling houses or work in other outdoor jobs?
How about stocking the office freezer with ice blocks or icy poles, frozen fruit sticks or other icy treats to show your people you get it and you care!
Oh – and if you are passing their worksite why not deliver!