How Becoming Unattached Helps Us Achieve What We Want
If you had a thousand pumpkins seeds and you kept all of them and did nothing with them, how many will you finish up with?
Now, if you plant ten of those thousand pumpkin seeds, they grow and produce pumpkins, how many pumpkin seeds will you finish up with?
By becoming unattached from the thousand seeds you would be able to achieve more – right!
Now think of this concept in relation to referrals to grow your business. If you and colleagues / business networks approach giving referrals with no other expectations other than giving the referral, overtime you will receive referrals. That is, let yourself become unattached from referrals and if everyone else takes the same approach, then everyone should receive.
To explain this a bit more, let’s assume that there are 20 members in attendance at your regular networking group and everyone chose only to refer if they received a referral back, how many referrals would you expect to be given. I’d suggest not many – if any.
Yet if everyone all approach referral giving with no attachment to receiving a referral I suggest there would be at least 20 referrals given within the group. That is, group members would be receiving referrals even though they had no expectation of receiving them.
Ok, it does not mean that each meeting every member receives a referral, however, it does mean that everyone is in the mind set of giving referrals rather than the expectation of receiving – and it will be everyone’s turn to receive at some point.
What the becoming unattached does is frees up our capacity to refer by removing barriers that prevent us from referring. If I were to remain attached to my referrals, how can I ever be sure that if I give a referral I will get one back? I can’t, however, why would anyone want to give me a referral if they held the same attachment to theirs.
Giving referrals without attachment builds trust between colleagues / network partners, promotes the willingness to refer and contributes to creating long-term relationships.
If you want more of something, try giving some of it away.
Balanix Solutions – Taxation | Accounting | Business Advice.
Situated in Strathpine on Brisbane North, we partner with our clients to assist them in their accounting, business management and bookkeeping needs. Our clients vary in industries from professional services (such as law, vet and dentist) to the trades (mechanic, bricklaying, plasterer etc), hospitality and retail. Are clients are located in the Pine Rivers area (including Brendale, Lawnton, Albany Creek and Eatons Hill) through to Kallangur, Petrie, North Lakes and Caboolture, as well as Brisbane South, the Gold Coast and various other parts of Queensland.
Networking Groups – Why and What Makes a Good One?
Florence has decided to stop working for “the man” and branch out on her own launching “Sadie Suds – Domestic and Commercial Cleaning”. This is Florence’s first venture in business and she is looking for ways to attract customers. Marketing 101 suggests that networking is one of the best ways to grow a business. Eagerly Florence researches this “networking” thing and discovers there are a number of ways to do it – one being to join a networking group.
OK, she thinks, sounds simple enough. Google research indicates that the primary goal of many networking groups “is to generate referrals for the member’s”.
Woohoo, she thinks, that’s what we want! All I have to do is join my local networking group, turn up at meetings and the referrals will flow – simple!
Four months later, Florence is in a quandary – I have been a member of this group for 4 months now – people have started talking to me – some have shown a bit of interest in my business – but no firm referrals yet. Why isn’t it happening? Am I just in a bad one? Have I been miss led? Help!
There are many networking groups available to business owners, but what makes a good one and what happens to make them a success for members? Who better to ask than a bunch of committed members of the Albany Creek Business Contacts (ACBC) group. Here’s what they had to say –
Firstly, successful networking groups are about building personal and professional relationships not transactional relationships. What is meant here is, unsuccessful groups will focus on just handing out business cards, hard sell and pressure to refer. Yes referrals are a foundation of networking groups, but the ACBC members find that the referrals come happily if the group is focussed on getting to know each other, each other’s businesses and being prepared to give to each other – that is, build relationships with each other.
As we all know – relationships take time. Creating success in a networking group is a long term commitment and if all members are working together with similar goals and philosophy, then the group will succeed.
The group then agreed that a successful networking group must support and nurture members to be givers and sharers not takers. If business owners join groups with the sole expectation that, because they are a member of the group everyone will refer to them, then a good networking group is not for them. Members commented that the success of ACBC is around the sharing of knowledge and ideas with each other to support each other’s growth as individuals and business owners. With this giving, groups are successful when members are being honest, real and genuine with their contributions, not “flapping egos” at every opportunity.
Successful networking groups are made up of members who are prepared to get out of the group what they put in – that is, be involved, invest time in the group and the individual members, participate in discussions, events and activities and find out as much as they can about each other.
It was suggested that some of the best networking groups as those owned by the members not by a business. Successful groups feel like business communities where people are comfortable/at home with the members and are motivated to attend meetings/events/functions and have a genuine motivation to support each other’s business growth.
So, I say to Florence – give it more time, build genuine honest relationships with your fellow members, invest time and effort in the group and individual members and be prepared to share your knowledge, ideas and bumps along the business journey and you will find that others will engage with you more and more.
If the ACBC members have got it right – find this type of environment in a networking group and the referrals will flow.
(Blog contributors – Leonard Whittaker (Action Cycle Learning) Rob Carmody (Australian Integrated Communications) Sally Balwin (Balanix Solutions) Kathy Patterson (Brendale Stationery Supplies) Matthew Fox (Brisbane hosting & Web Design) Kirsty Newbery (Caring Cottage) Brad Davies (Conquest Pest & Termite Control) Scott Deaves (David Deane Real Estate) De Wet van der Nest (Express Air Con Cleaning) Oriano Giammichele (GT Racing, Mobile Mechanic) Anne-Louise Underwood (SMS Toolkits) Stuart Bywater (Bywater Design) Rhennen Ford (Streten Mason Lawyers) Tracie Palmer (Cornerstone Home Loans) Tracey Carter (Scrub Mutts) Jason Matthey (Insurance Web) Bruce Hall (Wombat Electrical)
Albany Creek Business Contacts consists of local quality and reliable businesses who provide a wide range of services from home and residential services to B2B and commercial services. Our service areas cover primarily Albany Creek, Eatons Hill, Brendale, Aspley, Warner, Chermside, Strathpine, North Lakes. However many members will cover greater areas.
Albany Creek Business Contacts meet fortnightly on a Wednesday morning for a 7am breakfast and networking meeting.
Balanix Solutions – Taxation | Accounting | Business Advise.
Situated in Strathpine on Brisbane North, we partner with our clients to assist them in their accounting, business management and bookkeeping needs. Our clients vary in industries from professional services (such as law, vet and dentist) to the trades (mechanic, bricklaying, plasterer etc), hospitality and retail. Are clients are located in the Pine Rivers area (including Brendale, Lawnton, Albany Creek and Eatons Hill) through to Kallangur, Petrie, North Lakes and Caboolture, as well as Brisbane South, the Gold Coast and various other parts of Queensland.
Call us today … we can help (07 3264 4783)
Savvy Business Owners Share the Hidden Returns of Networking Groups
We all know that networking groups are about referrals. However, according to the members of the Albany Creek Business Contacts Group (ACBC), there are many more equally important motivations to be a part of the group.
Andrew Gallagher from Lollyworld indicated that networking groups are effective forums for stress relief when he faces challenges. “There just comes a point where you think: I don’t want to do this anymore; I don’t want to go in; I don’t want to deal with that problem; I don’t want to deal with that customer. Really if you had the option you would just run away and hide.” This is where colleagues in networking groups come in.
“You’re talking to all these other business-owners who potentially have been there and had that experience as well. And then they become more than just business associates. They become friends.” (Sydney Morning Herald 6 February 2014)
It was also concluded by the ACBC group that it is an awesome forum for sharing ideas, strategies and taking from someone else’s experiences and applying them to your business.
Kathy Patterson, Brendale Stationery Supplies shared “I was having an overwhelming day recently and [fellow ACBC member] Rod, Rocket Printing-Brendale came into the shop. In discussions he shared a simple technique of a Plan List where I take a few moments at the beginning of each day and prioritise what I have to do into “Urgent Must dos” “must dos” “can wait but must get done” and “nice to do and will get there”. Now every morning I create my Plan List and things have improved.”
ACBC members agreed that the group was a terrific source of mentors – business owners you could confidentially chew the fat with without judgment. An added bonus also is that members of networking groups are generally at different stages of business ownership and maturity so it is a terrific incubator of cross fertilization – learning from the experienced and being inspired by the new.
The group’s members indicated there are also more pragmatic benefits such as direct learning from guest speakers, developing technical skills from discussions/workshops with service business owners, broadening knowledge of the different types of businesses and industries, as well as, of course, direct referrals.
Finally, these savvy business owners agree, they are committed to ACBC [networking groups] because of the ongoing building of relationships and friendships as well as the motivation and energy they derive from meetings and each other.
If you are a business in Albany Creek, Brendale, Eatons Hill, Strathpine, Lawnton or surrounding areas and are interested in networking groups give Sally from Balanix Solutions a call.
Why do we do it and do we do it right?
As Balanix Solutions moves towards our 8th Birthday, we’ve reflected on what has brought us the greatest success in our business and why. Like many others, we have spent a significant amount of time and money developing our client base.
During our time we have spent money on web development, advertising, promotion and networking. Which one has brought the greatest return? Without doubt, NETWORKING – not only in terms of dollar revenue but even more importantly, relationship building.
Balanix Solutions sets out to create long term clients as a major objective. To us this means that when a client comes on board it is because it works for both parties and both parties are interested in the long term based on a strong business relationship.
Balanix Solutions uses networking to develop relationships and not as a means of selling our services. In this regard, we look at ways of helping businesses to achieve success. This often means referring business to other businesses that are able to assist without seeking anything in return.
This concept is quite a paradigm shift when you consider that in joining a networking group, thoughts spring to mind that there maybe some people that you could never really successfully network with because they didn’t relate to your business in a way that would be productive. However, with the improvement of networking skills it becomes apparent what networking is really about. If you take the time to understand what others do and show a genuine interest in what they do, then opportunities will arise where you are able to help.
It is important to be genuine in your desire to know and help others. People can very quickly determine whether you are genuine or not which will determine the strength and longevity of the relationship.
When attending a function, don’t simply hand out business cards – take the time to build rapport. It is only when the person you are speaking with has built positive rapport with you that it is likely they will remember you and connect you to your business card.
Once the rapport has been established it is important to maintain the relationship. A system in place is needed to remind you to keep in touch with these people and, equally important, to be on the lookout for ways to help.
For example, recently a client needed to refocus in relation to marketing as they were spending serious money but did not really have a strategy. We were able to refer them to someone we knew that specialised in marketing. The end result was a happy client (because their problem in now well under control), a happy marketing contact (because they now have a client with whom they have the opportunity to have a long and successful relationship) and a happy Balanix Solutions.
Balanix Solutions’ system for networking includes a file containing all network contacts and information is added as we learn more about the person and their business.
We have found that this approach to networking reaps rewards for us. With this approach shared amongst contacts and fellow networkers, referrals come our way too; in some instances, when least expected.
For example, our hairdresser referred a client to us and since then that client has referred another client. The referral was born from a long and strong relationship with no expectations. This made the thank you and gratitude flowers more appreciated.
Which leads to the final point. In being genuine in your relationships, take the time to thank people who have passed on referrals. Depending on the relationship this can be simply saying thank you (in person or by phone if possible) or with a gift or gesture.