Recruitment Consultants -v- Recruitment Agencies

"Sally Balwin"

Recruitment | HR | Business Development

Recruitment consultancy is a viable alternative to recruitment agencies.  The key things about recruitment consultants are:

  • Consultants don’t manage candidates.
  • Consultants work closely with the business owner/manager to understand the job and organisational cultural requirements in great depth.
  • Recruitment and selection is targeted to attract to a specific role and requirements.
  • Fee structure follows a consultancy model and generally is lower than the agency model.

Recruitment agencies:

  • Manage candidates.
  • Fees are generally a percentage of the salary offered for the position.
  • Attract a broad range of candidates within a work discipline.
  • May have a number of masters who they are serving (eg, Government in relation to Job Network, Labor hire clients, as well as specific recruitment assignments).

If you are experiencing high turnover/low retention of staff, recruitment consultants can provide a more strategic and targeted alternative to recruitment.