Stay safe – is your BAS agent registered
The Australian Taxation Office advises that if you use someone to prepare or lodge your business activity statement (BAS), you need to make sure they are registered with the Tax Practitioners Board (TPB). If they are not registered, there are significant risks to you and your business because they:
- are acting illegally
- may not have the qualifications and experience required of a registered BAS agent
- may not have professional indemnity insurance cover
- disqualify you from the protection available under the penalty safe harbour provisions which we administer.
The transitional registration option is only available until 28 February 2013.
Don’t take their word for it … ask to see their registration certificate or check the Register of registered and deregistered tax agents and BAS agents on the TPB website.
You will find Balanix Solutions on the register! Need a professional bookkeeper on Brisbane North (Strathpine) – Call us – we can help!
(Source: ATO SME Communicator December 2012)