Recognise and Reward Staff with NO BUDGET
I am regularly asked by buisness owners/managers how to reward and recognise the great contributions of your people with little or no budget to do so.
Firstly, congratulations for wanting to – you are on the road to being an Employer of Choice!
To help you further, here are some no cost suggestions to show them they are noticed:
- Post a thank-you note on the employee’s or team member’s office door.
- A very senior person call/visit a team member at the workplace to thank them for a job well done.
- Greet team members by name when you pass their desks or pass them in the hall.
- When discussing a team member’s or a group’s ideas with other people, peers, or higher management, make sure you give credit.
- Acknowledge individual achievements by using people’s names when preparing status reports.
- Name a continuing recognition award after an outstanding employee.
- Have lunch or coffee with an employee or a group of employees you don’t normally see.
- Share verbal accolades. Don’t forget to forward voice mail messages that compliment a team member’s work.
- Ask a person to teach or share his accomplishment with others as a way of recognizing the person’s ability and role.
- Ask a person for advice or their opinion; this demonstrates respect.
- Recognize an individual’s accomplishments in front of peers — yours or theirs.
- Practice positive nonverbal behaviours that demonstrate appreciation.
- Make a large calendar that can be posted. Call it the “celebration calendar” and use Post-Its and written notes of recognition tacked onto specific dates to honour contributions made by team members.
- Give the team member more responsibilities/activities.
- Allow the team member opportunities for learning and development.
- Flexible work practices.
Talk to Sally (Balanix Solutions) today for more assistance towards best practice Human Resource Management in your business – (07) 3264 4783.
Do You Lead a Horse to Water or Milk
Reading an old BRW, Giam Swiegers (CEO Deloitte Australia) mentions (in the ad-Defence Reserves Support) that –
We have a saying in our business, “Leadership isn’t about leading people where they want to go, but where they ought to go”
My thoughts are that Leadership would be a combination of leading to the vision, goals and values of an organisation, married with the individual’s personal vision and goals. The asset we have in our people is their ability to think and the diversity, skills and experience they bring with them to a job. Great leaders harness this competency and strategically link it in the best way to their organization to maximize achievement/success.
But I don’t think this can be successful if individuals’ motivators are not factored in.
Hop over to Balanix’s Facebook page and share your view.
Employees, Contractors and Registered Business Names
A myth surrounding the employee or contractor decision is that having a registered business name makes a worker a contractor.
The ATO advise that having a registered business name makes no difference to whether a worker is an employee or contractor for a particular job. You need to examine the details of the working arrangements to check whether your workers are employees or contractors.
A worker who has a business name might be a contractor for one job, and an employee for another. It all depends on the specific terms and conditions under which the work is performed.
The ATO’s online Employee/contractor decision tool will help to correctly determine whether your workers are employees or contractors. By answering some simple questions, the online tool will provide you with an answer you can rely on. It is free, anonymous and easy to use.
Too hard doing it this way, contact Balanix Taxation Services (07 32644783) – we can help.
(Source: ATO – SME Communicator December 2012)
“These comments are general in nature and in no way intended as tax advice as Balanix Solutions is not a tax advisor and it is recommend that you seek the advice of a registered tax agent to ensure your specific needs/requirements are addressed.”
17 Low Cost Staff Retention and Reward Initiatives
As businesses continue to experience difficulties with staff attraction and retention these 17 simple low cost ways show your people you appreciate and value them.
- Movie Tickets.
- Gift Certificates or vouchers.
- Book of Stamps.
- A framed memento/letter/certificate.
- Inscribe a favourite book as a gift.
- Balloons decorated with appropriate messages.
- Purchase a plant or flower arrangement with appropriate message.
- Buy the person something to use in his/her hobby.
- Lunch-on-me voucher or take the person to lunch as a form of thanks or to mark a special event.
- Doughnuts, bagels, or rolls as an early morning starter.
- If your people are outside during the hot seasons (eg, Real Estate Agents) have Icecreams/blocks in the freezer for them.
- A “funny” trophy that is passed among team members based on “inside” criteria.
- Submit the person’s name for a Wall of Fame.
- Something engraved with the person’s name, such as a pen set, business card holder, plaque, or portfolio.
- Paid subscription to a professional magazine or newsletter.
- A small contribution to their favourite charity in the person’s name.
- Time-off; full day or half-day.
Balanix Solutions HRM Services
Great News for Graduates
According to the 2012 Australian Graduate Survey, three-quarters of Bachelor degree graduates find full time work within four months of completing their studies.
A further 15% find part-time or casual work according to new figures shown in the survey.
174,000 graduates for surveyed.
For medicine, pharmacy, mining engineering, surveying and nursing, 92% of graduates were in full-time employment four months after graduation.
More than 94% of bachelor degree graduates were satisfied with their university experiences overall.
This is great news for our education institutions and for the health of our graduate job market.
(Data reported: Sunday Mail 30 December 2012)
For all your recruitment needs – Balanix Solutions (Recruitment)